Hydrocarbon resources discovered by OGDCL

Being the operator of Wali Exploration License with 100 percent working interest, Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) has discovered gas resources. The sources have been discovered at Wali-01 well which is located in FR Lakki, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Back in December 02, 2019, the well was discovered and drilled down at the depth of 4,727m (measured depth) inside Kawagarh Formation.  Based on the good oil/gas reserviors during drilling, successfully testing was carried out in Kawagarh Formation. After successful completion of first test, the second Drill Stem Test (DST) has been performed in Hangu Formation. As per narrated by the authorities, the gas/condensate discovery has further extended the hydrocarbon play area on the south western part of Bannu Basin. The current Exploration and Production Company has adopted destructive exploration strategy which has resulted into hydrocarbons discoveries. It will be added to the hydrocarbon reserves base of OGDCL and of the country that will positively contribute in modifying energy demand and supply gas from original resources.