HVACR Expo Lahore 2024: A collective achievement

Mr. Afzaal Malik, Chief Organiser HVACR Expo Lahore talks to Engineering Post

It’s the day of the highly anticipated HVACR Expo 2024 in Lahore, and Muhammad Afzaal Malik, the Lahore Chapter Chairman of Pakistan HVACR Society and Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Expo, is bustling with excitement and anticipation. This year’s Expo has surpassed all expectations, marking a significant turnaround from the economic challenges and import bans that plagued the industry last year.

Reflecting on the journey leading up to the Expo, Malik acknowledges the palpable enthusiasm among industry stakeholders. “Despite the economic crunch experienced in the previous year, there has been a noticeable eagerness for the Expo among both local and international participants,” he observes. “Through proactive engagement via WhatsApp groups and face-to-face meetings across major cities, the anticipation for the Expo has been palpable, indicating a resurgence of optimism within the industry.”

The Expo boasts a substantial presence of local exhibitors, representing companies from all corners of Pakistan. “This diverse participation not only showcases the breadth and depth of the domestic industry but also underscores its resilience and capacity for growth,” Mr. Afzaal Malik notes.

“International participation has also been robust this time around,” Malik continues, “with numerous companies from China and Turkey joining the Expo fray.” This influx of international exhibitors not only enriches the diversity of offerings but also underscores the growing global recognition of Pakistan’s HVACR sector.

While celebrating the success of the Expo, Malik emphasizes the perpetual pursuit of improvement. “The Pakistan HVACR Society remains committed to embracing the latest industry standards and practices,” he affirms, “with a particular focus on enhancing the attendee experience.” Efforts to streamline registration processes through online platforms have alleviated long queues, ensuring a seamless and efficient entry for participants.

Furthermore, strategic collaborations with chambers of commerce have been instrumental in augmenting professional footfall, fostering greater industry engagement, and amplifying the impact of the Expo.

“A notable highlight of this year’s Expo is the International Conference organized by ASHRAE,” Malik highlights, “spanning two days to delve into critical topics shaping the HVACR landscape.” This extended duration allows attendees to immerse themselves fully in the conference proceedings, underscoring the commitment to knowledge dissemination and professional development.

Malik extends heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated team behind the Expo’s success, including the local council and the organizing committee, with special acknowledgment for individuals such as Adnan Liaquat, Ahmad Naeem,  Safdar Mughal and others. “Their tireless efforts and unwavering dedication have been instrumental in bringing the Expo to fruition,” he acknowledges. Mr. Afzaal highly lauded the support he got from President Pakistan HVACR Society, Mr. Ramzan Sharif.

“The seamless coordination with ASHRAE further underscores the collaborative spirit that characterizes the HVACR community,” Malik continues. “The enduring partnership between PHVACR Society and ASHRAE continues to enrich the Expo experience, fostering an environment of innovation, learning, and networking.”

Mr. Mohammad Amir, President ASHRAE CPC helped a lot in organizing conference parallel to the Expo, Malik acknowledged.

As the Expo unfolds, Malik extends his appreciation to all exhibitors for their contributions in making the event a resounding success. He also expresses gratitude to the President of the HVACR Society and the Executive Council for their unwavering support and leadership. As the curtains rise on the HVACR Expo 2024, Malik looks forward to a transformative event that not only celebrates the industry’s achievements but also sets the stage for a future defined by innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth.