ECNEC approves ML-1 and other projects

The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) had a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Ishaq Dar and discussed upon the approval of 19 projects from various sectors, details of which are given below.

The upgradation of Pakistan Railways existing main Line-1 (ML-1) was approved and the 929km from Karachi to Multan has been decided to be taken up as priority. Also the upgradation of “Flood Response Emergency Housing Project (Phase-I)” was approved which included funding through loan from the Asia Development Bank (ADB).

Four water sectors projects were also approved namely “Construction of Dadhocha Dam (revised), Gomal Zam Multipurpose project, raising of Mangla Dam project and Golen Gol Hydropower project”.

The meeting also discussed and approved “Development of Integrated Transit Trade Management System” which envisions the construction and development of an advanced and upgraded border crossing point at Torkham, Chaman and Wahga. ECNEC further approved KNIP (Karachi Neighbourhood Improvement project) and the Construction of Border Terminal at Pakistan-Afghanistan Border Badini.