renewable energy in Pakistan

Consumers being encouraged to utilize renewable energy technologies

Engineering Post Report 

The federal government was taking appropriate measures to encourage the consumers to utilize renewable energy technology to the maximum extent possible in household, commercial, and industrial sectors in addition to large-scale renewable energy projects.

Under the NEPRA (Alternative and Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations 2015, the Alternative Energy development Board (AEDB) was promoting  renewable energy-based net-metering in the country..

According to the information available from the official sources concerned, under AEDB (Certification) Regulations, 2018,  AEDB certifies solar system service providers, vendors, and installers in order to help he consumers and DISCOs (power distribution companies) and ensuring quality.  However, the federal government’s Ease of Doing Business vision had simplified the restrictions way back in August 2021.

As such, in July-March FY2023, 145 new installers received  certifications, bringing the total number of active AEDB -certified installers to 307.  Furthermore,  net metering-based systems of 355.5 MW  total capacity  were also installed  by different consumer segments  during the same period, while   50656 installations totaled 863.4 MW as of March 2023.

AEDB has also supported ARE  technology promotion  and private sector investment. Firstly, AEDB facilitated RE power projects for meeting  milestones and resolving challenges  faced by the projects sponsored  by public sector entities. Secondly, AEDB and World Bank conducted the Balochistan Renewable Energy Development Study  on renewable energy development in Balochistan province. It sought  to strategically develop utility-scale  solar and wind power in the province to meet Pakistan’s ambitious renewable energy targets for the power industry and promoting the transition  to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and, modern  energy for all. Thirdly, IESCO and LESCO have redesigned and deployed ONMAP,  an online  net-metering for consumer applications. Fourthly, AEDB held an Investors Conference in Islamabad sometime back  to present and get feedback  from the prospective consumer investors   on the Framework Guidelines for Fast-Track Solar PV Initiative 2022. Fifthly,  with GTZ  support 500 solar technicians at relevant Pakistani training institutions will be receiving customized  Competence-Based Training and Assessment training on the National  Vocational  Qualification Framework.