Completion of 8-underconstruction WAPDA Projects

Carry over water capacity to increase to 45 days; hydel generation to be doubled

With completion of eight under-construction water and hydropower projects of WAPDA, the carry over water capacity in the country will increase from 30 days to 45 days with an addition of 9.7 MAF water storage, while hydel power generation of WAPDA will also be doubled to more than 18,000 MW with an increase of 9,043 MW.    

This was briefed to a delegation of PAF Air War College Karachi during their visit to WAPDA House today. Headed by Air Commodore Raja Imran Asghar, Deputy President of the College, the delegation was comprised of Pakistani and allied officers from Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

Secretary WAPDA Fakharuzzaman Ali Cheema welcomed the guests while Advisor (Hydrology and Water Management) Shahid Hamid briefed the delegation about role, functions and development plans of WAPDA, threats and opportunities of the climate change and water security challenges faced by Pakistan. Member (Power) WAPDA Jamil Akhtar, GMs and other senior officers also attended the briefing.

The delegation was briefed that WAPDA is executing biggest-ever portfolio of development projects in water and hydropower sectors scheduled to be completed from 2024 to 2029 in a phased manner for water, food and energy security of Pakistan.