Colonization of Special Economic Zones 

Report by Engineering Post

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) remain the most successful policy tool  for boosting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) .

In FY2024, the colonization of the existing SEZs continued despite economic turmoil and protectionist measures  taken by the federal government in order to curb imports.

According to the information available from the official sources, the major initiatives taken in FY2024  included Establishment of new SEZs; Provision of Utilities from Federal Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP); Colonization of SEZs; Establishment of  One Stop Service for SEZs, and completion of Phase-One of Rashakai SEZ.

FDI  promotion as such obviously relies  on the federal government’s comprehensive  efforts, where investment and exports mutually support each other. The Board of Investment (BOI) initiatives focus on attracting local and foreign investment into the country and creating and providing a conducive business environment.

Based on the consistent 30 percent FDI component over the past four years, it is reasonable to expect this trend to continue strengthening as long as the national economy maintains  a stable growth  trajectory  and the investment outlook remains positive.

As a result of the general election, a new political  government at the national level has taken charge  of managing the affairs of the state, with the primary objective  of stabilizing the national economy.

BOI expects to attract approximately US $ 1.75 billion of FDI  for FY  2024, with a projected increase of US $ 1.85 billion in FY 2025, the sources added.