Electric Vehicles

Chinese company to manufacturer Electric Vehicles (EV) in Pakistan

A Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Xinjian Jingyi has unveiled its
intentions to set up an EV manufacturing plant in Pakistan, alongside the
establishment of showrooms in major cities across the nation.
This significant announcement came to light during a meeting between a
delegation from Xinjian Jingyi Cheng Group, led by Assistant Chairman GU
Xongquan, and FPCCI Vice President Amin Ullah Baig. GU Xongquan emphasized
that the company’s decision to enter the Pakistani market, and its subsequent
plans for manufacturing and showroom facilities, are integral components of their
long-term business strategy.
GU Xongquan underscored the significance of this move by highlighting that
automobiles serve as the primary mode of transportation in Pakistan. He also
noted that the escalating global oil prices have led to a substantial surge in
gasoline costs. Consequently, this has made it imperative for consumers to
explore alternative energy markets and make the shift towards electric vehicles,
aligning with the growing global trend toward sustainable and eco-friendly
transportation solutions. The proposed venture reflects the company’s strategic
vision to tap into Pakistan’s burgeoning EV market, offering consumers a
sustainable and cost-effective mobility option.