China-Pakistan Digital Corridor to be established

Report by Engineering Post

The Information Technology (IT) Industry  Joint Working Group (JWG) under  the framework of great game changer CPEC is dedicated to enhancing and developing  China and Pakistan’s information and communication  technology infrastructure.

It aims to  establish  a China-Pakistan Digital Corridor, bolster investment cooperation  in the digital economy and support developing and implementing new digital technologies and applications.

According to the concerned sources information,  the successful  completion of the 820 km optical fiber project, at an estimated cost of US $ 44 million  is  likely to  contribute to  improving Pakistan’s telecommunication  and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), industry, boost tourism, and create trading opportunities in the country’s  northern areas.

Additionally, it will also provide ICT infrastructure for 3G/4G services in the northern areas and enhance communication security with an alternative fiber route. The agreed areas of cooperation  under the IT Industry JWG  included  ICT infrastructure development, ICT application innovation, cyber security,  policy and regulation, radio spectrum  regulation, and human resource development.