The CDWP has met with Deputy Chairman Planning Commission MohammadJehanzeb Khanin at P-Block Secretariat to discuss the next five planned projects. Outof a total worth of around Rs405.7 billion, CDWP has approved two developmentprojects at the cost of Rs3.37 billion. The other three projects valued at Rs402.31billion has been recommended to the Executive Committee of the National EconomicCouncil (Ecnec) for further consideration. Senior officials from the PlanningCommission and the federal ministries/divisions also participated in the meeting,while representatives from the provincial governments participated through videoconferences. Projects related to governance, physical planning and housing, transportand communications, and education, were considered at the meeting. A project named“Establishment of Public Financial Management Unit (PFMU) and Program SupportUnit (PSU) in Finance Department and Planning and Development (P&D) Boardrespectively under Punjab Resources Improvement and Digital Effectiveness (PRIDE)Programme” has been presented in the meeting. The programme aims at increasingown sources revenue and improving reliability of resources allocations and access todigital services for people and firms in the province.