ASHRAE Pakistan BOG visit NA GroupSWI Piping System Factory

In a bid to foster knowledge exchange and forge industry partnerships, the ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter Board of Governors (BOG) conducted a visit to the NA Group SWI Piping System Factory. The visit facilitated insightful discussions and provided first-hand exposure to cutting-edge technologies utilized by NA Group. Professionals seized the opportunity to exchange expertise, enhancing their understanding of industry trends.

Renowned LEED Consultant from Bangladesh, Mr. Ananta Ahmed, joined the delegation to explore advancements in plumbing technologies in Pakistan.

In addition to promoting knowledge exchange and fostering industry partnerships, the recent visit by the ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter Board of Governors served as a platform to highlight the latest advancements in plumbing technologies.

The visit not only provided professionals with hands-on experience of state-of-the-art equipment but also offered valuable insights into the manufacturing processes and quality standards upheld by NA Group. Participants gained a deeper understanding of how innovative plumbing solutions can contribute to enhanced building performance and environmental conservation.

Furthermore, the collaboration between ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter and industry leaders like NA Group underscores the importance of synergy between academia, research institutions, and private enterprises in driving technological innovation and fostering professional development within the HVACR sector.

As the ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter continues to champion excellence, such collaborative initiatives play a pivotal role in promoting knowledge dissemination and cultivating a culture of continuous learning among industry stakeholders. By facilitating exchanges of expertise and fostering collaborative partnerships, ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter remains at the forefront of advancing sustainable practices and shaping the future of the built environment in Pakistan.