A brief look on Manufacturing, Commerce and Mineral Development

Report by Engineering Post

Pakistan’s manufacturing sector  is one  the main sectors of the national economy and has played a significant  role in the country’s economic growth with a contribution of  11.89 percent  to the overall Gross Domestic Product  (GDP) in 2023-24.

Textiles and  Apparel industries have the most weight in the Quantum Index  Manufacturing 2022-23  i.e. 24.7 percent. It is a leading sector  in  the  country’s exports with a share of around 60 percent. However, the contribution of the  manufacturing sector  to the national GDP was reportedly stagnant  i.e.  12 percent  due to a lack of diversification  in the products and markets, inconsistent policies,  tariff barriers, limited access  to the credit  (specially to the Small Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs), low productivity, high cost of  doing business,  high cost of energy and  its supply constraints, inadequate  infrastructure, quite obsolete technology, lack of innovation and research and development (R & D).

According to the  information gathered from the sector sources,  the Sector  was somehow  facing major challenges by not conforming  to the internationally  adopted  best practices ( i.e. Industry 4.0 percent) and continued to still using  traditional methods

Sector sources as well as the official quarters concerned  should better adopt a strategic approach  to address the key issues of the sector, enhancing productivity and competitiveness for making  its export oriented with the commendable aim of  increasing its GDP share and driving the economic growth.