Pakistan Engineers Congress organized its 76th convention in the last week of December 2021 at Lahore. The convention was inaugurated by Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar.
President of Pakistan Engineers Congress Amjad Saeed, Secretary Syed Nafas and other senior members also attended the 76th convention of Pakistan Engineering congress which was spread over four days from 22nd to 25th of December. The First two days consisted of technical sessions with an inaugural session on the first day. On the 3rd day of the convention the Annual Symposium of Pakistan Engineering Congress was arranged at a local hotel in Lahore. The fourth day of the convention consisted of Business session and the election for the 77th term as per the election schedule of the congress.
Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar attended the inaugural session of the 76th convention as Chief Guest. While addressing the ceremony he said that Engineers, have an important role to play in the development of the country in various fields including construction, nuclear engineering, information technology and environment, adding that Pakistani engineers have made the country famous all over the world.
Pakistan Engineering Congress in the oldest engineering body of the Sub-Continent that was established in 1912. Initially it was Punjab Engineering Congress but was later named Pakistan Engineering Congress.