550 MW shortfall at K-Electric

The official document of K-Electric has informed the Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE) about shortfall of over 550MW which may result in unscheduled load shedding in the city.  As the existing generation of K-electric is at 1,990 MW, additionally 300 MW power from existing IPPs, 704 MW supply from national grid including three wind power plants, 127 MW from Tapal power plant and 128 MW from Gul Ahmad which makes a total of 3,249 MW. KE’s peak demand has been calculated at 3,392 MW after interval load shed that confirms about a shortfall of 552 MW in 2020. It is predicted to be more intensive if supplementary power is not supplied. In one of the CCoE meeting chaired by Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Asad Umar has decided to give additional 1400 MW electricity to KE. Additional generation options are renewal in Power Purchase Agreement (PPAs) of Tapal and Gul Ahmad IPPs which are already done on interim basis for three years on give and take basis.  Another project of 450 MW of Engro is under bidding process. In a report submitted by NEPRA in 2019, Questions about performance of K-Electric has been highlighting about the power utility of its power plant that is deliberately underutilized and undertook illegal load shedding. As the news about excessive load shading rose in media, NEPRA has taken the notice of the news with strict instructions to take immediate steps and submit a detailed report to NEPRA immediately.