March 23-24, 2022 Amsterdam, Netherlands
35th European Neurology Congress is a continuation of the series of successful European Neurology conferences. On March 23-24, 2022, the conference will be held in the artistic heritage city of Amsterdam, Netherlands. The conference’s purpose is to build translational neuroscience initiatives that will help people to better comprehend how treatment techniques have progressed and how the field has grown in recent years. Patient care, innovation, digital neurology, and research are four traditional objectives that the conference firmly embraces. Neurology and neuroscience are rapidly emerging domains, featuring cutting-edge technologies redefining our understanding and therapies for neurological disorders. The theme of Neuro Congress 2022 is “Shape Up a Better World Without Any Disorders” emphasizing the significance of collaboration and communication among individuals from diverse professions. The congress involves multiple presentations, interactive breakout sessions, hands-on practice and unrivalled networking prospects. And a gateway to interact in person with groups, colleagues, experts and exhibitors in the area to broaden your knowledge
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