32,073 acres land acquired for Diamer Bhasha Dam

The government is working consistently for the construction of Dams in the country to ensure that ample energy is produced to cover the water and power needs of the country.

In this regard Diamer Basha Dam is a very important project which is expected to be completed by April, 2029. The government has acquired 32,073 acres of land for the project which is 90 per cent of total required 35,924 acres of land for the project. Official information reveals that total estimated cost of Diamer Basha Dam project is Rs 1406, 122 million which includes PC-I (acquisition of land & resettlement Rs 175,436 million, PC-I (Dam Part Rs 479,686 million while cost for PC-I (Power Generation Facilities yet to be approved) is Rs 751,000 million.

A lot of controversy was generated over the “Dam Fund” and its safekeeping. The government has made it clear that Supreme Court of Pakistan is custodian of Dam Fund. The total amount of the Funds collected for project so far is Rs 12,934,008,868 up to July 15, 2021.

The PC-I (Dam Part) was approved @1US$ = Rs. 105.3, however, the cost will be updated during revision of PC-I in accordance with guidelines of Planning Commission’s Manual for Development projects. As per plan for construction, the Consultants for main works have commenced their services from October 2020 while Contractor for Main Dam works have been mobilized at site after signing of Contract Agreement with commencement date as August 07, 2020. As per financing plan, the Acquisition of Land & Resettlement is being financed by government of Pakistan as Rs 106,897 million has been released against PC-I (AL&R) amounting to Rs 175,436 million.