RUYI Group China to establish Textile Parks in Pakistan

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Board of Investment (BOI), and the RUYI Shandong group from China which states that the Chinese company will establish textile parks in Pakistan which will meet the international standards. A nine member delegation visited Pakistan and had a meeting with the Prime Minister Shehbaz Shareef […]

884MW Suki Kinari Passes RRT successfully

The 884MW Suki Kinari hydropower project worth $1.7 billion has successfully completed the Reliability Run Test (RRT) for the project. The hydropower project has been established under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework. The success of the RRT for the project was announced by the Managing Director Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB). While […]

International Electric Power Acquires 11.9% of SECMC

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has given its approval for International Electric Power (Private) Limited to acquire an 11.9% stake in Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) Limited. The acquisition, finalized through a Share Purchase Agreement (SPA), involves the transfer of ordinary shares. International Electric Power (Private) Limited, formed in March 2024 for this […]

Tarbela Dam completes 50 years of service to the nation

Tarbela Dam, Pakistan’s largest hydroelectric power project has turned 50 in 2024. According to a Press release from WAPDA. In 1974 after completion of the civil works of Tarbela Dam the filling of water in the reservoir commenced in the third quarter of the year. Tarbela is the biggest electricity generation facility in Pakistan with […]

LSM shows mixed results on a month-on-month basis

In July 2024, Pakistan’s Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) sector experienced a mixed performance, according to data from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). On a month-to-month basis, the LSM sector’s output decreased by 2.08 percent compared to June 2024. However, when compared to the same period last year (July 2023), there was an increase of […]

Gawadar 300MW Coal power project on the verge of cancellation

The 300 MW imported coal power project at Gwadar is at risk of being cancelled due to ongoing delays and tariff disputes. The Chinese company responsible, M/s CIHC Pak Power Company (Pvt) Ltd (CPPCL), has not started construction despite receiving repeated extensions and support from Pakistan’s government. The project, initiated in 2019 with a Financial […]

Ziauddin University organizes IEEE event

Ziauddin University’s IEEE Student Branch organized a One-Day event titled “IEEE R10 Young Professionals UpSkill 2024”. This event was organized in collaboration with IEEE Young Professionals Karachi Section and was supported by IEEE Region-10 Young Professionals. The event was organized to equip young professionals with the skills needed to face the challenges of Industry 4.0 […]