Government Develops Winter Package for Affordable Industrial Electricity

The federal government is developing a “winter package” to offer affordable electricity for industries based on incremental consumption during the winter months, pending approval from the federal cabinet and the IMF. The package aims to boost industrial growth and reduce power plant capacity payment burdens, with an estimated cost of around Rs 25 billion. The […]
Two thermal plants to convert to Thar coal

The two thermal power plants in the country, with a combined generationcapacity of 700 MW, have expressed interest in converting to Thar coal. Thistransition is expected to reduce their generation tariff from Rs 46 to Rs 8 per unit,as per sources close to the Managing Director of PPIB.Representatives from the company met with the MD […]
Pakistan’s first Petrochemical Policy in final stages

The federal government is in the final stages of crafting its inauguralPetrochemical Policy, aimed at enticing investments in both the upstream andmidstream sectors to kickstart domestic petrochemical manufacturing.The Engineering Development Board (EDB), in collaboration with key stakeholdersfrom the public and private sectors, is refining the Petrochemical Policy ofPakistan 2023. This initiative aims to initiate local […]