Thar Coal Block-1 expected to generate 9 billion units of electricity per annum

The Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) has announced achievement ofCommercial Operation Date (COD) of the country’s largest Thar coal-based powerproject located at Thar Block-1.While having the generation capacity of 1,320MW, Shanghai project has been implemented under the China-Pakistan EconomicCorridor (CPEC), the project is developed by Thar Coal Block-1 Power GenerationCo, a fully-owned subsidiary of […]
Pakistan shown willingness in Tapi Project even without India

As Afghanistan is ready to raise special force for the project, Pakistan has shownwillingness to go ahead with Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gaspipeline project with or without India. This has been conveyed by the Minister ofState for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Musadik Malik during his recent visit toSaudi Arabia. Further, Minister briefed the Saudi side on latest […]
Solar Energy – A Carbon Free Solution to a Carbon Free World

The continued use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas have generated high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in our environment, contributing to climate change – altering weather patterns, rising sea levels and increasing ecological damage. Combating climate change is an urgency and an imperative for businesses and individuals alike. Sustainable carbon-free […]
PM orders re-capacitation of NEECA

The prime minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Shareef organized a meeting to discuss means of energy savings in the country. It was informed in the meeting that the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) requires an increase in capacity and the policy will be presented before the cabinet in the near future. The PM decided […]
Railway to Improve infrastructure

Pakistan Railways is planning to rehabilitate infrastructure including track and signaling system from Karachi to Peshawar, Main Line-I (ML-I), including doubling of track from Lahore to Peshawar (462.20km).The length of the track is 1,726 kilometers and the department has planned to improve speed upto160 kilometers per hour in the project of up-gradation of ML-I under […]
PDO Stays Committed to Advocating Sustainability; Set to Co-host 2023 Oman Sustainability Week

Muscat. January 23, 2023. Committed to spearheading a stable and inclusive energy transition, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has demonstrated its environmental stewardship by pioneering innumerable sustainability initiatives. The latest in its line of endeavours is its participation as the co-host of the upcoming Oman Sustainability Week (OSW) to be held from 12 March 2023 to […]