Pakistan to buy oil from Russia soon

The increasing prices of oil in the global market and the dependance of Pakistani economy on oil has proven to be a huge problem for Pakistan especially in recent months. In this condition Russia has been in a position to offer oil at low cost but Pakistan has been hesitant till now considering the global […]
Chinese stakeholders unwilling to use Thar coal in place of imported coal

The 300MW coal fired power plant located at Gwadar has been designed and approved to be operated on imported coal. Recently government of Pakistan has proposed the used of Thar coal for the plant to which the Chinese stakeholders have expressed their unwillingness. Chinese company, M/s CHIC Pak Power Company (Pvt.) Limited (CPPCL) has said […]
UET Peshawar inaugurates Gas Engineering Lab

With a grant of around Rs2.0 million by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), a Gas Engineering Laboratory has been inaugurated at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Peshawar. The lab is established to sponsor a chair on Gas Engineering at Department of Chemical Engineering, UET Peshawar in order to […]