MoUs signed to build tourism Infrastructure

The KPK tourism authority is looking forward for a boost in the tourism department and it’s derivatives. A couple of MoUs have been signed with interested investment companies for the purpose. Investments will be done in the integrated tourism zones (ITZ) for the uplifting of tourist reception in the province. MoUs were signed by AH […]
Greater Thal canal project approved by ECNEC

The Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) has approved the Greater Thal Canal project phase-II. The project is to be constructed with financing from Asian Development Bank (ADB). The project had been under deliberation for a long time because of the many objections surrounding the project. The biggest concern shared by Sindh was that […]
Working at Sachal Gas processing complex initiated by MPCL

Sachal gas processing complex (SGPC) will be providing approximately 20 mmscfd of high quality natural gas to SNGPL. A 25km long pipeline will be used for the countrywide transmission which is newly built and extremely efficient. After completion of the project, an estimated total of 90 mmscfd of natural gas is expected to be added […]
South Korean Power Company awaiting LoS for its project in KP

M/s KOEN the state-owned company and subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) has written a detailed letter to Chairman NEPRA stating the confusion his company is facing for 229MW Asrit-Kedam Hydropower project and 238MW Kalam-Asrit Hydropower project in district Swat with cumulative investment of $1.0 billion The company is working on fast track basis […]