Pakistan and Denmark join hands for Energy cooperation

Pakistan and Denmark have decided to work together and enhance cooperation in the field of renewable energy. In this regard the two governments have formed a joint technical working group to frame terms of reference (ToRs) for government-to-government agreements in the field of energy. This decision was taken during a virtual meeting between Federal Minister […]
Access tunnel of Mohmand dam completed

Access Tunnel of Mohmand Dam for swift excavation of Diversion Tunnels has been completed, while construction work is in progress simultaneously on 9 different sites of the project. This was briefed to Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Chairman Lt Gen Muzammil Hussain (Retd) during his visit to the project. Mohmand Dam Project Director […]
ADB approves $300m loan for power plant on Kunhar River

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a substantial loan of $300 million for the construction of a hydropower plant at river Kunar near Balakot. On the official website of ADB it said “Pakistan is rich in hydropower resources but only around 16% of its identified hydropower potential has been harnessed. The country’s power sector […]
Controversy surrounding appointment of chairman NTDC

The appointment of Naveed Ismail as Chairman of the Board National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) has been surrounded by controversy. According to sources, Naveed Ismail has a blemished record as on March 26, 2013, the then Chairman Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda), Syed Raghab Abbas Shah had terminated the contract of Naveed Ismail, […]
Karachi to get 450MW more electricity

The National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) has completed upgrade of 130km-long 220-kilowatt double-circuit transmission line between Jamshoro and KDA Scheme-33 of Karachi. This was announced by Minister of Power Division Omar Ayub Khan. Due to the upgrade of this transmission line this year Karachi would get an additional 450 megawatts of electricity in the […]
Development work in Rashakai Economic Zone

To develop the market, operate and manage the flagship project of Rashakai Economic Zone (REZ), the respective bodies have started their work in the Special Economic Zone. As the special purpose vehicle company has already registered with the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), four out of five directors belongs to China Road Bridge […]