WAPDA records highest ever hydel generation in 2020

2020 proved to be an exceptional year for water and hydropower sectors in the country, as the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) succeeded in achieving the historic milestones in the two sectors during this year. Besides generating highest-ever low-cost hydel electricity, WAPDA also initiated construction work on the long-delayed mega multi-purpose Diamer Basha […]
Trans Afghan Rail Project

A delegation of Uzbekistan led by Uzbek Minister for Transport Makhamov Ilkhom, First Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Kudratov Laziz, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sidiqov Furqat, and Charge d`Affairs of Uzbekistan to Pakistan Tashmatov Sadulla, called on Federal Minister for Railways Azam Khan Swati to discuss the Trans Afghan rail project. The […]
Team Pakistan wins big at Huawei ICT Competition-2020

Pakistani students have performed incredibly well at the Huawei Information and communications technology (ICT) Competition Middle East 2020, winning the top two coveted spots. The team of three Pakistani students, The team of three Pakistani students, Kalim Ullah (MS IT SEECS-NUST), Maria Aftab (MS IT, SEECS-NUST) and Asadullah (Mehran University of Engg. & Technology, Jamshoro), […]
Chairman PPIB AND AEDB appointed

Mr. Ali Raza Bhutta, Secretary Power Division, has been appointed as Chairman of the Boards of Private Power Infrastructure Board (PPIB) and Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) by Federal Cabinet. PPIB, NEECA and AEDB are constitutional bodies that are established under the Private Power & Infrastructure Board Act 2012 (PPIB Act), National Energy Efficiency Conservation […]