Constructors Association of Pakistan elects new team

Chairman respectively of the Constructors Association of Pakistan (CAP) for the year 2020-2021. Members of the Association also elected unopposed Naeem Akhtar Chaudhary as Vice Chairman (Punjab), Muhammad Adnan Waheed as Vice Chairman (Sindh), Muhammad Farooq as Vice Chairman (Baluchistan) and Saifullah Zia as Vice Chairman (Islamabad). Others who were elected unopposed as members of […]
Lucky Cement Limited voted as Pakistan’s Most Outstanding Company in Materials Sector by Asiamoney

Asia’s Outstanding Companies Poll recognizes publicly listed companies across the region for their excellence in a variety of business areas and markets. This year in 2020, Lucky Cement Limited has been recognized by Asia-money under its Asia’s Outstanding Companies Poll 2020 for Materials sector in Pakistan. Lucky Cement is the largest producer of Cement in Pakistan with production […]
Shanghai Electric ready to start discussions on KE’s privatization

The Vice Chief Economist, of, Chinese company M/s Shanghai Electric Power (SEP) Shi Mingwei has written a formal letter to the Privatisation Commission stating that the company is ready to start discussions on the pending issues of KE. SEP is interested in purchasing 66.4 per cent shares of M/s Abraaj Group in KE. SEP has […]
Agha Steel signs Rs10.5 billion MoU with Horizon Steel

Agha Steel Industries has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Horizon Steel to sell 100,000 metric tons of low-carbon billets worth approximately Rs 10.5 billion. The MoU will ensure that Agha Steel will reliably supply the intermediate steel product that the downstream steel industry uses as raw material. With the realization of this MoU, […]