Pakistan only country in South Asia to attains G4 status

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has ranked Pakistan as a 4th Generation Regulator (G4) in its report titled “Global ICT Regulatory Outlook 2020 (GIRO)” Pakistan scored 88 out of 100 ending up among the top five regulators in the entire Asia-Pacific region with a global rank of 48. Pakistan scored full marks (20/20) for regulatory […]
Dams now have more water than last 10 years average: WAPDA

The Water & Power Development Authority of Pakistan has issued a press statement saying that dams in Pakistan have more water right now than last 10 years average which can be very positive for agriculture and power generation activities. According to the statistics, as much as 7.018 million acre feet (MAF) of water is available […]
IPPs to rebut every charge laid by government

The Independent Power Producers (IPPs) have rejected the report of the technical committee stating that it has ‘glaring gaps’. The IPPs will be sending a joint letter to the government on the formation of a Commission and rebut every charge of the committee. The IPPs are facing charges of high profits and cheating with respect […]