Proton to set up manufacturing unit in Pakistan

The Malaysian automaker has agreed to a joint venture with Al-haj group to set up a manufacturing unit of Proton cars in Pakistan. On his recent visit to Pakistan the Malaysian Prime Minister Dr bin Mahathir Mohammad performed the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony of Proton plant along with PM Imran Khan. On this occasion he gave […]
Foreign funding required to connect Gwadar to National grid

Gwadar/Makran has been facing severe power shortage due to insufficient generating capacity that has brought excessive load shedding to the area. To rectify this issue the area need to be connected to the National grid system (NGS) as soon as possible. According to the recent figures released by the government, 140km 132kV double circuit and […]
CPFTA talks to be rescheduled following transfer of key official

The 11th round of the China Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) are expected to be delayed due to sudden transfer of Secretary Commerce Younis Dagha. The talks were scheduled to be held 1d on April 2-3, 2019 but Secretary’s transfer will delay the process. Pakistan will seek new dates from China for this purpose. In […]
PM optimistic about Oil reserves

In an informal moment with the media the Prime minister of Pakistan Imran khan said that huge oil and gas reserves are expected to be unearthed off the coast of Karachi. He said that within 3 weeks he will deliver good news to the nation. This discovery will provide massive relief to the country. “We […]