Chinese delegation visits Rashakai SEZ

[smartslider3 slider=3] A Chinese delegation headed by the Chinese ambassador in Pakistan Yao Jing visited Rashakai SEZ which is in its advanced stages of development. He was accompanied by officials of KPEZDMC and China Road & Bridge Corporation (CRBC). The SEZ to be developed jointly by KPEZDMC and CRBC will be state-of-the-art economic zone, offering […]
Mini budget brings relief to Engineering community

[smartslider3 slider=4] Finance Minister Asad Umar presented the third finance bill for the current fiscal year. Engineering community has shown satisfaction as necessary import items for industry are also being considered for the low regulatory duty. Duties on equipment brought to the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) have been abolished so now all equipment brought to […]
Safety Seminar held by PESCO

Peshawar Electric Supply Company (Pesco), held a safety seminar at Wapda House Peshawar. The seminar was aimed at creating awareness among the technical staff and reiterating the importance of adopting safety precautions. 22nd January was also declared as “Safety Day”. Chief Executive Pesco Engineer Dr Muhammad Amjad Khan while addressing the participants said, “We have […]